My Fractional

Sales Manager

A fractional sales manager acts as a part-time sales leader for your company, providing the strategic guidance and expertise of a seasoned sales professional on a flexible, as-needed basis, without the significant expense of a full-time employee, including salary, bonuses, benefits, and overhead costs.

By outsourcing some of your sales leadership responsibilities, you and your existing leadership team can free up valuable time and energy to focus on other core business functions.

Overall, a fractional sales manager can be a strategic asset for businesses looking to elevate their sales staff performance without the commitment of a full-time hire. Their expertise can help you implement your sales strategy, coach and develop your sales team, and ultimately drive sustainable sales growth.

Coaching, training and programs designed to take your sales team to the next level. 

Fractional Sales Manager

Best for a business with a sales team comprised of 1-10 sales reps


  • Weekly 50 minute 1 on 1 sales coaching session per sales rep employee. We will enforce existing KPI’s and prospecting strategies (if applicable) that the company has designated. We will provide fundamental sales training that is relevant to the coaching of achieving KPI’s.

    Sessions often include discussions around Sales Techniques, Pipeline Management, Goal Setting, Accountability, Objection Handling, Time Management, Communication Skills, Continuous Learning, Feedback & Coaching, and Personal Development. 

  • Weekly recap to the designated leadership position about the sales coaching session. 

  • We also provide feedback on if the sales rep is capable of performing and meeting the company’s KPI’s, and is a good fit for the team.

    Terms: Pricing per head per month. 3 month minimum commitment with a 3 month auto-renewal if not cancelled during the initial commitment. 

Sales Training Program

For businesses with 3+ sales staff
*Ask about Corporate Trainings


  • Twice a month sales training in a group setting for 60 minutes with existing sales staff. These trainings often involve introducing new sales concepts and role playing. The goal is to help create a culture around sales improvement within the organization, as well as to encourage new ideas and motivation for sales reps to improve their performance. 


    Terms: May be added to the Fractional Sales Manager Program. Pricing per head per month. 3 month minimum commitment with a 3 month auto-renewal if not cancelled during the initial commitment. 


Frequently Asked Questions:

Will you create KPI’s for me?

  • We will reinforce existing KPIs that the company already has in place. We do provide a service to create KPI’s and other sales playbooks and strategy at an additional fee.

Do you coach in a group setting or do you individually coach sales reps in a 1 on 1 setting?

  • We have a package for providing 1 on 1 sales training that is fundamental to the rep achieving their required metrics, as well as a package for group sales trainings.

What's Our Skillset?

Development & Training on Existing Sales Process 
Sales Coaching
Evaluating Sales Staff
Improving Close Rate
Reinforcing KPI’s
Holding Sales Reps Accountable to Performance Metrics

What Are The Stats?

Increase Average Tickets Sold By 32%

Increase Average Sales Rep Productivity By 50%

Average Close Rate Increase of 15%

From 22% to 37%